79 Old Main Road, Kloof, KZN South Africa
79 Old Main Road, Kloof, KZN South Africa


Children’s Liturgy

Our Children’s Ministry continues the mission of Jesus through catechetical formation on a Sunday morning.

We strive to help children develop a deeper awareness of who Jesus is and how much He loves them, all in the context of our Catholic faith.

Ushers/ Hospitality

Often the first contact visitors and new parishioners have with our parish.

This team calls for parishioners to have a welcoming and helpful attitude and to give of their time at the various masses and services held at the parish. 


Sacristans support the priest and other liturgical ministers in the preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist.

They carefully arrange the liturgical books and sacred vessels for each Mass and interact with the lectors and ministers of Holy Communion as needed at each liturgy.

Lectors/ Readers

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during all parish Masses. With faith in God’s presence in the Scripture, Lectors share in a sacred process. 

With careful preparation, Lectors convey in each reading the depth of the sacred text to all the faithful at Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers

The mission of the Eucharistic Ministers is to assist the priests of the parish with the distribution of Holy Communion at all liturgical celebrations. 

Laundry of Altar Linen

A simple but significant ministry, simply having those who assist in this ministry facilitate the laundry of the linen used during liturgical celebrations. 


This ministry embraces the creative within each of us. Those who assist in this ministry assist with the flower arrangements and setups within the church for weekly Masses, various Liturgical seasons, and special celebrations. 

Altar Servers

Both boys and girls may become Altar Servers to assist our priests in the celebration of Masses.

This is a special way for our young people to be closely involved in the liturgical life of the parish. 

Music/ Choir

You are warmly invited to participate in our Music Ministry for the praise and glory of God! We ask you to consider whether your faith experience can be made more meaningful by using your God- given musical talents in serving all who look to our parish as their spiritual home.

Faith Formation

Our Faith Formation classes help children, teens, and adults  develop a close, personal, relationship with God and a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.

This program is responsible for sacramental preparation in all grades, and across all ages. Our Faith Formation classes include LIFETEEN, RCIA, and Confirmation.


This ministry is made up of parishioners who are passionate about our Youth. 

IMPACT Youth leaders help organise and facilitate social youth gatherings every Friday evening during the school term.

Faith Sharing Groups

Our Faith Sharing groups range across ages and vocations. Members of this ministry help to arrange and communicate regular prayer meetings or social gatherings. 

Moms & Babes

Intended for the moms of our much smaller parishioners, this ministry is intended to create a space for moms and tots to come together with other like-minded moms, seeking a community for prayer, coffee, and get-togethers.

St. Vincent de Paul

The purpose of the SVDP society goes to the heart of the Gospel. Members aspire to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, hope and joy. 

The aim is not only to supply immediate support, but to enable those assisted to break free from the cycle of poverty.